Saturday, February 7, 2009


Bob bought me my first iPod! And he bought me a docking station to go with it. You see, I have a terrible time getting music at work. I can get some radio staions either through Microsoft Media Player or through the Internet. The problem is I always lose the radio stations. I always get that "Page not found" message. It's very frustrating for me--I need to be able to hear music all day. I have CDs but it's a pain to have to keep stopping to change CDs all day.

So, Bob bought me the iPod and docking station and downloaded 4,000 songs to it. I still have enough memory to load movies and pictures to it if I want. The movies and pictures will be handy to have for travel--and of course, so will the music.

But, I am especially excited about it for work.

Thank you, Bob!

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