"This and That"

- This picture was taken on Christmas Day, 2008, at Sarah and Keith's house. I like it because it's a good one of me and the kids. It is on my desktop of my notebook computer.
- Tomorrow is a government holiday--horaaay!
- I will spend at least part of the day working on some organizing projects. Both the desk downstairs and the library closet need some help, so, I believe I will work on one or both of those.
- Right now Bob is in Manland watching football and Shawn is working the sound at a play being put on by one of the local community theater groups. Bob and I plan to attend the play, The Foreigner, on the 24th. Shawn received one freebie ticket and gave it to me. We just have to buy one more.
- I spent a good deal of my day today reading. I don't do that often. I have a stack of magazines I'd like to get through--maybe I will pull some out in a little bit and get through those, too.
- Right now I am watching the Star Wars Prequel movies. I don't watch them as often as the original series. They are good--but I will always like the original films best. I hadn't seen these 3 for a long time.
- Earlier, I watched 2 of my Netflix movies. "Spencer's Mountain" and "Saving Sarah Cain."
- Bob and I watched a couple of movies the other night. "Deep Impact" and "Air Force One." Hadn't seen those for YEARS.
- Still getting some cold weather for this area. They aren't used to zero and near zero temps and it's been a big news story the past few days. Some area schools closed due to the cold temps. When I lived in Michigan we never got out of school just because it was cold. We only got out when the snow reached several feet and the buses couldn't get down the roads. And, because there was no visibility. But, of course, that was Michigan and they are used to getting tons of snow and the extreme cold weather. They have the equipment to clear the roads and keep the kids in school.
- Bob gave me an automatic tea brewer for Christmas and I think that turned out to be my favorite gift. I absolutely love it. I have used it everyday since I got it.
- Earlier, as I watched "Saving Sarah Cain," I was sitting in the living room and looked up to see all 3 cats staring at me. It was getting near dinner time for them, and I suppose they were hungry. Nothing like laying on a guilt trip. Good grief!!!!!!!!
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